Field Trial Events
The ATHA holds an annual Field Trial event. Members are invited to attend and to test their dog’s skill and speed in the following events:
Field Trial Events
Cougar Drag
A cougar track is laid using scent. Depending on the number of dogs entered, there are several heats, after which the winners compete in finals.
Coon Drag
A racoon track is laid using scent. Depending on the number of dogs entered, there are several heats, after which the winners compete in finals.
Bear Blowout
One race is held with all the dogs who have been entered. A bear track is laid using a hide dipped in scent.
Puppy Drag
This event is open to dogs that are under a year old.
Veteran Drag
This event is open to dogs which are 8 years old and over.
Fastest Pack
Houndsmen may register 2 of their dogs in the same heat. Both dogs must finish, in order for any points to be applied to a dog’s total score.
Single Tree/Double Tree
The treeing competition consists of raising a scented object into a tree by using a rope and pulley. The dogs are then released by the handler and the judges count the number of barks in 1 minute to determine the winner. The dogs must stay within a 30 ft. circle of the home tree.
Children’s Bench Show
This is a fun event open to children and youth. Each participant must lead their dog up onto a bench and show it for conformation. The judge then asks the handler questions about the dogs breed, age etc. Young handlers are supervised by a responsible adult. All handlers receive a ribbon in recognition of their participation.
Fastest to The Tree
The dogs entered are all taken to the Home Tree (tree with lure in it) then are walked back around 200 yards and then released. The first dog to the tree wins.
Bear Strike
A scent is laid across the trail, the dog is placed on top of the dog box and the vehicle is driven slowly toward the scent line. The dog which barks closest to the scent line wins.
Houndsmen are invited to bet on the final races. All winnings are split 50/50 between the club and the person who bet on the winning dog.
Field Trial Rules
- Events are open to tree hounds only.
- Dogs in heat are not allowed.
- Once the starter has moved the heat from the staging area to the starting line, the start will be held for no more than 2 minutes and will not wait for late comers. Handlers that miss their heat will not be allowed to re-enter the dog in a later heat.
- The decision to disqualify a dog is at the sole discretion of the Master of Hounds.
- In the case of a fight, the aggressive dog will be disqualified from the event. If there is a second violation, the dog will be disqualified from the remainder of the trial.
- A disqualified dog will not receive any points for the race he is disqualified from but will retain any points previously earned.
- No refunds.
- Calcutta payout is to the ribbon winner.