Buy & Sell Rules and Regulations
- This forum is NOT for businesses to promote products or services UNLESS you are an ATHA sponsor. If you wish to inquire about becoming a sponsor, please contact the sponsorship director.
- Clearly describe what is being sold or wanted in the thread title. In the body of the message give as much information as possible, including where you live and a price.
- Keep the exchanges to buying and selling. This is not the place to discuss other issues.
- Use the PM system to close the deal. Do not post any personal information (e.g., telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.) on the public forum. Keep all transactions just between buyer and seller.
- Do not “bump” a thread to the top of the forum more than once every three days.
- When something has sold, please place “SOLD” in the title of the original message following the instructions in the “Editing thread title…” thread stuck to the top of each buy & sell forum.
- Do not duplicate threads in the forums. Post only one thread per item.
As on other forums if rules are violated, threads or messages may be deleted without explanation. If rules continue to be violated, the member will be sanctioned.
Thank you for your cooperation!
– ATHA Moderators and Administrators